McPherson's farm.
Along the edge of John Herbst's woodlot.
The first scene in Brothers Of War took place very close to this spot on the night of July 1st
(just a little further into the woods)
The 19th Indiana's monument at Gettysburg. Meredith Avenue, 80 yards east of Willoughby Run.
This was their battle line's position during the afternoon attack
(Michael Eisenhut)
19th Indiana soldier by Mark Maritato.
His incredible work is available at:
Mark Maritato Historical Fine Artist - Home Page
This print at: Soldier Figure Studies (
"Iron Brigade Forward!" by Mark Maritato.
Major General John Reynolds leading the 2nd Wisconsin and the Iron Brigade into Herbst Woods. Artwork available at:
19th Indiana monument
Herbst Woods
(dedicated October 28, 1885)
Page 14 of Brothers Of War,
The Iron Brigade At Gettysburg
I am forever grateful to park ranger, historian, and cartographer John Heiser for doing these maps
Willoughby Run, looking south
where the 19th Indiana charged across and pushed back Archer's brigade, and then in the afternoon, battled against the 11th NC
24th Michigan monument, in the afternoon, to the right of the 19th Indiana
New, revised book cover with award seals
2nd Wisconsin monument
the "barricade" in front of the Lutheran Seminary,
where the Iron Brigade survivors made their final stand
east side of the Lutheran Seminary, scene of the retreat toward town
Willoughby Run, looking north to where the 26th NC battled against the 24th Michigan
Painting titled, Brothers Of War, by Mark Maritato
This scene depicts the Nineteenth's battle line just east of Willoughby Run during the initial attack by Pettigrew's brigade in the afternoon of July 1st. The soldiers crawling in the foreground represent some of the survivors of Company B trying to return to their battle line. Company B was on skirmish duty west of the run. Of the 32 Co. B soldiers who went into action on July 1, 1863, only 5 remained to answer roll call the next day.
Prints available at: Civil War and Military Art (
random book advertisement with
John Heiser's campaign map on page 14 that he graciously drew for me
This location above is the scene from page 244, looking out across the field in front of the barricade....
“Here they come!” a man screamed, his voice cracking as he yelled it.
“Oh, no!” another soldier cried out.
When the Confederate battle line emerged from the woods and into the sunlight, they let out the Rebel yell.
Solomon quickly looked forward again, and out across the field, he saw the Confederates emerging from the woods and stretching in both directions well beyond both flanks of their battered brigade.
There were thousands of them now.
Hands trembling with fear reached for cartridges and rammers.
“Ready, men!” an unseen voice shouted.
Oh, God.
Time To Fight, by Dale Gallon
Cutler's brigade followed by the Iron Brigade along the Emmitsburg Road in front of the Codori Farm
135 W. Middle Street, Gettysburg
(I'm not giving away what happened here, but it's an important part of the book)
The Railroad Cut, by Dale Gallon
The 6th Wisconsin charges against the 2nd Mississippi
The Railroad Cut and the 6th Wisconsin monument
Hallowed ground
Colonel Samuel J. Williams,
Mortally wounded by an artillery shell on May 6, 1864, at the Battle of the Wilderness. Buried in Selma, Indiana.
Two great generals, Buford and Reynolds.
And monuments to Calef's and Hall's Batteries
Captain William Orr,
Selma, Indiana.
Great way to spend the weekends, talking to future Iron Brigade fans!
General John Reynolds' mortal wounding
marker. Take that trail to the right... Oh, man, you just feel it in those woods.
And, of course, the first chapter of
Brothers Of War takes place in those woods.
General Solomon Meredith
and his family.
Riverview Cemetery, Cambridge City, IN.
Long Sol. A very underestimated general, in my opinion. As a teenager, he walked from North Carolina to Indiana to begin a new life. In the 1830's, he was a two-term Sheriff of Wayne County, Indiana. He served bravely and gave all three of his sons to the Union.
And according to Abraham Lincoln, the "only Quaker general in the army."
One of many UPS shipments.
We are grateful to all of you.